The Movie Loft Podcast

No Retreat, No Surrender 1986

Tony, Phil, Thom

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November 27, 2020: We're going back to 2020 with this episode. Well before The Movie Loft Podcast was available on any streaming platform. As I've mentioned before, we have a whole unreleased first season in the back of our vault. It may not rival the Paisley Park archives, but there are obviously some uncut gems in there. And No Retreat, No Surrender is one of them. A 1986 classic featuring JCVD 1.0. 

I was truly shocked to find this in there. Trust me when I tell you that there are some unreleasable episodes. We were feeling our way to the middling road we find ourselves on today, and it wasn't pretty. So how does this one feel so current!? We had it! Then we lost it. When we found it again, I guess we knew it was time to launch the zeppelin. How in the world I got Tony and Phil to discuss so earnestly a movie they despised, I was made for least this movie.

There's also a lot of Christmas and Once Upon A Time In Hollywood chatter in this episode.